1 Week , Coed, Ages 7-15
June 29 - July 3, 2025
WHO: This week is offered EXCLUSIVELY to children of families with parents who are veterans or active in the armed services including the Reserves and National Guard.
WHAT: Operation Flat Rock is a full week of a traditional overnight summer camp with all the energy, excitement and adventure that a week away at camp brings to mind. ALL the Flat Rock activities are offered with an added benefit that makes a significant difference - the additional connection these children have. Because every child who attends this camp session is a child of a military family, this unique bond can become an incredible friendship and supportive network for the long haul.
HOW: Operation Flat Rock is subsidized and only made possible by support through a Y-USA Grant and Flat Rock’s Annual Campaign Fund. These donors enable us to automatically reduce the traditional camp fees by approximately 60% or more for our military families during this specific week. Additional financial support through the three rate pricing structure, also funded by donations to the Annual Campaign, is available if needed.
While this week of camp is open to ALL military families and we encourage EVERY military family to apply, we will give priority to families within a 12 month deployment window or children whose parent is disabled as a result of their service. Following registration, verification of deployment or service status will be required with one of the following: a CAC with a military designation, a DD214 with honorable discharge or a Veteran Identification Card. TO REGISTER