3 Rate Pricing
Why 3 rates? As a YMCA, we understand that families have differing abilities to pay and as such, we offer a 3 rate pricing structure. No additional paperwork is required. When you register your child, take a moment to look at the rate descriptions below and determine which of the 3 rates your family is able and willing to pay for your child’s camp experience.
The selection of Rate B & C is voluntary, is funded by donors through our Annual Campaign, and in no way influences the experience children receive.
RATE A This is the actual cost for us to provide a week of Camp at Flat Rock.
RATE B The difference between the Rate A and B dollar amounts is covered by donations to our Annual Campaign. Our donors compassionately choose to make charitable donations to Flat Rock to help families who need assistance to send their children to Camp!
RATE C The additional funding for this rate also comes from our donors who believe so strongly that all kids need camp more than ever today.
Additional scholarship funds are available for those who complete the financial assistance application and qualify. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION
The camp schedule and activities offered remain the same for each session of the summer. The themes are designed to add a little flavor for each week. Campers may wish to bring items and/or clothing to get into the spirit of the theme. A patch for the eye for Pirates week, a cowboy hat for western week, a Santa hat for Holiday Week etc.
PLEASE NOTE: Two of the themes are offered twice during the summer.